Options for our customers

Live Streaming and recording options

We have a few different options when it comes to live streams and recording video 

as we are a one-person operated business these are your options – 

Single camera or two cam ( one wide static , 1 operated) – 
We can live stream or record using a single camera on a tripod , single camera streams will include a laptop setup line of sight to the camera or next to the camera 

If we have good mobile 3g/4g signal , we can leave the laptop in our vehicle or send the vision back to our production room at our homeoffice ! This means less room needed for our gear!

Multi-camera – 

We can set up 2 to 5 cameras , two of which are robotic , the rest will be static/not moved  … 

robotic cameras are controlled via our production laptop by the live stream operator  , they move and we cut back and forth to make a seamless production of vision .

this is our preferred option for most indoor talks,weddings,conferences etc 

Both options above can have cameras that roam via mobile phone or handheld camera insertion   

  • All options are recorded 
  • we can patch into on-site sound boards and mixers/systems for good quality sound
  • we can bring our own microphones
  • we can live stream to a public or private audience ( link protected or account/password projected )
  • all options can be monetized via pay-to-view to make income from your stream
  • we bring our own internet , cables and can even run off-the-grid via battery / solar / generator 


Answers to Frequently asked questions

DEMANDplay is our view video portal 

please visit demandplay.com.au

Please submit a contact us form or use the Chatbox at the bottom right of your screen to discuss

we can stream many things ! 

please contact us to discuss